Generating reaction systems programmatically#
There are two ways to create a reaction for a ReactionSystem
using Catalyst
using ModelingToolkit
@parameters α K n δ γ β μ
@variables t
@species m₁(t) m₂(t) m₃(t) P₁(t) P₂(t) P₃(t)
Reaction function#
The Reaction(rate, substrates, products)
function builds reactions.
To allow for other stoichiometric coefficients we also provide a five argument form: Reaction(rate, substrates, products, substrate_stoichiometries, product_stoichiometries)
rxs = [
Reaction(hillr(P₃, α, K, n), nothing, [m₁]),
Reaction(hillr(P₁, α, K, n), nothing, [m₂]),
Reaction(hillr(P₂, α, K, n), nothing, [m₃]),
Reaction(δ, [m₁], nothing),
Reaction(γ, nothing, [m₁]),
Reaction(δ, [m₂], nothing),
Reaction(γ, nothing, [m₂]),
Reaction(δ, [m₃], nothing),
Reaction(γ, nothing, [m₃]),
Reaction(β, [m₁], [m₁, P₁]),
Reaction(β, [m₂], [m₂, P₂]),
Reaction(β, [m₃], [m₃, P₃]),
Reaction(μ, [P₁], nothing),
Reaction(μ, [P₂], nothing),
Reaction(μ, [P₃], nothing)
15-element Vector{Catalyst.Reaction{Any, Int64}}:
Catalyst.hillr(P₃(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₁
Catalyst.hillr(P₁(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₂
Catalyst.hillr(P₂(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₃
δ, m₁ --> ∅
γ, ∅ --> m₁
δ, m₂ --> ∅
γ, ∅ --> m₂
δ, m₃ --> ∅
γ, ∅ --> m₃
β, m₁ --> m₁ + P₁
β, m₂ --> m₂ + P₂
β, m₃ --> m₃ + P₃
μ, P₁ --> ∅
μ, P₂ --> ∅
μ, P₃ --> ∅
Use ReactionSystem(reactions, indenpendeent_variable)
to collect these reactions.
macro is used because every system in ModelingToolkit
needs a name.
@named x = System(...)
is a short hand for x = System(...; name=:x)
@named repressilator = ReactionSystem(rxs, t)
The @reaction
macro provides the same syntax in the @reaction_network
to build reactions.
Note that @reaction
macro only allows one-way reaction; reversible arrows are not allowed.
@variables t
@species P₁(t) P₂(t) P₃(t)
rxs = [
(@reaction hillr($P₃, α, K, n), ∅ --> m₁),
(@reaction hillr($P₁, α, K, n), ∅ --> m₂),
(@reaction hillr($P₂, α, K, n), ∅ --> m₃),
(@reaction δ, m₁ --> ∅),
(@reaction γ, ∅ --> m₁),
(@reaction δ, m₂ --> ∅),
(@reaction γ, ∅ --> m₂),
(@reaction δ, m₃ --> ∅),
(@reaction γ, ∅ --> m₃),
(@reaction β, m₁ --> m₁ + P₁),
(@reaction β, m₂ --> m₂ + P₂),
(@reaction β, m₃ --> m₃ + P₃),
(@reaction μ, P₁ --> ∅),
(@reaction μ, P₂ --> ∅),
(@reaction μ, P₃ --> ∅)
@named repressilator2 = ReactionSystem(rxs, t)
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