Stochastic modeling in Catalyst#

Repressilator SDE#

using Catalyst
using ModelingToolkit
using StochasticDiffEq
using JumpProcesses
using Plots

Model is the same as building the ODE problem

repressilator = @reaction_network begin
    hillr(P₃, α, K, n),  --> m₁
    hillr(P₁, α, K, n),  --> m₂
    hillr(P₂, α, K, n),  --> m₃
    (δ, γ), m₁  
    (δ, γ), m₂  
    (δ, γ), m₃  
    β, m₁ --> m₁ + P₁
    β, m₂ --> m₂ + P₂
    β, m₃ --> m₃ + P₃
    μ, P₁ --> 
    μ, P₂ --> 
    μ, P₃ --> 

@unpack m₁, m₂, m₃, P₁, P₂, P₃, α, K, n, δ, γ, β, μ = repressilator
p = [α => 0.5, K => 40, n => 2, δ => log(2) / 120, γ => 5e-3, β => 20 * log(2) / 120, μ => log(2) / 60]
u₀ = [m₁ => 0.0, m₂ => 0.0, m₃ => 0.0, P₁ => 20.0, P₂ => 0.0, P₃ => 0.0]
6-element Vector{Pair{Symbolics.Num, Float64}}:
 m₁(t) => 0.0
 m₂(t) => 0.0
 m₃(t) => 0.0
 P₁(t) => 20.0
 P₂(t) => 0.0
 P₃(t) => 0.0

Convert the very same reaction network to Chemical Langevin Equation (CLE), adding Brownian motion terms to the state variables. Build an SDEProblem with the reaction network

tspan = (0.0, 10000.0)
sprob = SDEProblem(repressilator, u₀, tspan, p)
sol = solve(sprob, LambaEulerHeun())

Using Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA)#

Create a Gillespie stochastic simulation model with the same reaction network. The initial conditions should be integers.

u0 = [m₁ => 0, m₂ => 0, m₃ => 0, P₁ => 20, P₂ => 0, P₃ => 0]
6-element Vector{Pair{Symbolics.Num, Int64}}:
 m₁(t) => 0
 m₂(t) => 0
 m₃(t) => 0
 P₁(t) => 20
 P₂(t) => 0
 P₃(t) => 0

Create a discrete problem because our species are integer-valued:

dprob = DiscreteProblem(repressilator, u0, tspan, p)
DiscreteProblem with uType Vector{Float64} and tType Float64. In-place: true
timespan: (0.0, 10000.0)
u0: 6-element Vector{Float64}:

Create a JumpProblem, and specify Gillespie’s Direct Method as the solver.

jprob = JumpProblem(repressilator, dprob, Direct(), save_positions=(false, false))
JumpProblem with problem DiscreteProblem with aggregator JumpProcesses.Direct
Number of jumps with discrete aggregation: 3
Number of jumps with continuous aggregation: 0
Number of mass action jumps: 12

Solve and visualize the problem.

sol = solve(jprob, SSAStepper(), saveat=10.0)

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