Catalyst ODE examples#

Catalyst.jl is a symbolic modeling package for analysis and high-performance simulation of chemical reaction networks.


Repressilator model consists of a biochemical reaction network with three components in a negative feedback loop.

using Catalyst
using ModelingToolkit
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots

Define the reaction network

repressilator = @reaction_network begin
    hillr(P₃, α, K, n),  --> m₁
    hillr(P₁, α, K, n),  --> m₂
    hillr(P₂, α, K, n),  --> m₃
    (δ, γ), m₁  
    (δ, γ), m₂  
    (δ, γ), m₃  
    β, m₁ --> m₁ + P₁
    β, m₂ --> m₂ + P₂
    β, m₃ --> m₃ + P₃
    μ, P₁ --> 
    μ, P₂ --> 
    μ, P₃ --> 
\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{K^{n} + \mathtt{P_3}^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} \\ \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{\mathtt{P_1}^{n} + K^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} \\ \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{K^{n} + \mathtt{P_2}^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_1}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_2}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_3}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_1}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_2}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_3}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \end{align*} \end{split}\]

Reactions in the reaction network

15-element Vector{Catalyst.Reaction}:
 Catalyst.hillr(P₃(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₁
 Catalyst.hillr(P₁(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₂
 Catalyst.hillr(P₂(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₃
 δ, m₁ --> ∅
 γ, ∅ --> m₁
 δ, m₂ --> ∅
 γ, ∅ --> m₂
 δ, m₃ --> ∅
 γ, ∅ --> m₃
 β, m₁ --> m₁ + P₁
 β, m₂ --> m₂ + P₂
 β, m₃ --> m₃ + P₃
 μ, P₁ --> ∅
 μ, P₂ --> ∅
 μ, P₃ --> ∅

State variables in the reaction network

6-element Vector{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}}:

Parameters in the reaction network

7-element Vector{Any}:

To setup parameters (p) and initial conditions (u0), you can use Julia symbols to map the values.

p = [ => 0.5, :K => 40, :n => 2,  => log(2) / 120,  => 5e-3,  => 20 * log(2) / 120,  => log(2) / 60]
u0 = [:m₁ => 0.0, :m₂ => 0.0, :m₃ => 0.0, :P₁ => 20.0, :P₂ => 0.0, :P₃ => 0.0]
6-element Vector{Pair{Symbol, Float64}}:
 :m₁ => 0.0
 :m₂ => 0.0
 :m₃ => 0.0
 :P₁ => 20.0
 :P₂ => 0.0
 :P₃ => 0.0

Or you can also use symbols from the reaction system with the @unpack macro (less error prone)

@unpack m₁, m₂, m₃, P₁, P₂, P₃, α, K, n, δ, γ, β, μ = repressilator
p = [α => 0.5, K => 40, n => 2, δ => log(2) / 120, γ => 5e-3, β => 20 * log(2) / 120, μ => log(2) / 60]
u0 = [m₁ => 0.0, m₂ => 0.0, m₃ => 0.0, P₁ => 20.0, P₂ => 0.0, P₃ => 0.0]
6-element Vector{Pair{Symbolics.Num, Float64}}:
 m₁(t) => 0.0
 m₂(t) => 0.0
 m₃(t) => 0.0
 P₁(t) => 20.0
 P₂(t) => 0.0
 P₃(t) => 0.0

Then we can solve this reaction network as an ODE problem

tspan = (0.0, 10000.0)
oprob = ODEProblem(repressilator, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(oprob)

Use extracted symbols for a phase plot

plot(sol, idxs=(P₁, P₂))

Generating reaction systems programmatically#

There are two ways to create a reaction for a ReactionSystem:

  • Reaction() function.

  • @reaction macro.

The Reaction(rate, substrates, products) function builds reactions.

To allow for other stoichiometric coefficients we also provide a five argument form: Reaction(rate, substrates, products, substrate_stoichiometries, product_stoichiometries)

using Catalyst
using ModelingToolkit

@parameters α K n δ γ β μ
@variables t
@species m₁(t) m₂(t) m₃(t) P₁(t) P₂(t) P₃(t)

rxs = [
    Reaction(hillr(P₃, α, K, n), nothing, [m₁]),
    Reaction(hillr(P₁, α, K, n), nothing, [m₂]),
    Reaction(hillr(P₂, α, K, n), nothing, [m₃]),
    Reaction(δ, [m₁], nothing),
    Reaction(γ, nothing, [m₁]),
    Reaction(δ, [m₂], nothing),
    Reaction(γ, nothing, [m₂]),
    Reaction(δ, [m₃], nothing),
    Reaction(γ, nothing, [m₃]),
    Reaction(β, [m₁], [m₁, P₁]),
    Reaction(β, [m₂], [m₂, P₂]),
    Reaction(β, [m₃], [m₃, P₃]),
    Reaction(μ, [P₁], nothing),
    Reaction(μ, [P₂], nothing),
    Reaction(μ, [P₃], nothing)
15-element Vector{Catalyst.Reaction{Any, Int64}}:
 Catalyst.hillr(P₃(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₁
 Catalyst.hillr(P₁(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₂
 Catalyst.hillr(P₂(t), α, K, n), ∅ --> m₃
 δ, m₁ --> ∅
 γ, ∅ --> m₁
 δ, m₂ --> ∅
 γ, ∅ --> m₂
 δ, m₃ --> ∅
 γ, ∅ --> m₃
 β, m₁ --> m₁ + P₁
 β, m₂ --> m₂ + P₂
 β, m₃ --> m₃ + P₃
 μ, P₁ --> ∅
 μ, P₂ --> ∅
 μ, P₃ --> ∅

Use ReactionSystem(reactions, indenpendeent_variable) to collect these reactions. @named macro is used because every system in ModelingToolkit.jl needs a name. @named x = System(...) is a short hand for x = System(...; name=:x)

@named repressilator = ReactionSystem(rxs, t)
\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{K^{n} + \mathtt{P_3}^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} \\ \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{\mathtt{P_1}^{n} + K^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} \\ \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{K^{n} + \mathtt{P_2}^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_1}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_2}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_3}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_1}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_2}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_3}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \end{align*} \end{split}\]

The @reaction macro provides the same syntax in the @reaction_network to build reactions. Note that @reaction macro only allows one-way reaction; reversible arrows are not allowed.

@variables t
@species P₁(t) P₂(t) P₃(t)

rxs = [
    (@reaction hillr($P₃, α, K, n),  --> m₁),
    (@reaction hillr($P₁, α, K, n),  --> m₂),
    (@reaction hillr($P₂, α, K, n),  --> m₃),
    (@reaction δ, m₁ --> ),
    (@reaction γ,  --> m₁),
    (@reaction δ, m₂ --> ),
    (@reaction γ,  --> m₂),
    (@reaction δ, m₃ --> ),
    (@reaction γ,  --> m₃),
    (@reaction β, m₁ --> m₁ + P₁),
    (@reaction β, m₂ --> m₂ + P₂),
    (@reaction β, m₃ --> m₃ + P₃),
    (@reaction μ, P₁ --> ),
    (@reaction μ, P₂ --> ),
    (@reaction μ, P₃ --> )

@named repressilator2 = ReactionSystem(rxs, t)
\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{K^{n} + \mathtt{P_3}^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} \\ \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{\mathtt{P_1}^{n} + K^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} \\ \varnothing &\xrightarrow{\frac{K^{n} \alpha}{K^{n} + \mathtt{P_2}^{n}}} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} &\xrightleftharpoons[\gamma]{\delta} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_1}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_1}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_2}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_2}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} &\xrightarrow{\beta} \mathrm{\mathtt{m_3}} + \mathrm{\mathtt{P_3}} \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_1}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_2}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \\ \mathrm{\mathtt{P_3}} &\xrightarrow{\mu} \varnothing \end{align*} \end{split}\]

Conservation laws#

We can use conservation laws to eliminate some unknown variables. For example, in the chemical reaction A + B <--> C, given the initial concentrations of A, B, and C, the solver needs to find only one of [A], [B], and [C] instead of all three.

using Catalyst
using ModelingToolkit
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
rn = @reaction_network begin
    (k₊, k₋), A + B <--> C
\[ \begin{align*} \mathrm{A} + \mathrm{B} &\xrightleftharpoons[\mathtt{k_-}]{\mathtt{k.}} \mathrm{C} \end{align*} \]

Set initial condition and parameter values

setdefaults!(rn, [:A => 1.0, :B => 2.0, :C => 0.0, :k₊ => 1.0, :k₋ => 1.0])

Let’s convert it to a system of ODEs, using the conservation laws to eliminate two species, leaving only one of them as the state variable. The conserved quantities will be denoted as Γs

osys = convert(ODESystem, rn; remove_conserved=true) |> structural_simplify
┌ Warning: You are creating a system or problem while eliminating conserved quantities. Please note,
│         due to limitations / design choices in ModelingToolkit if you use the created system to
│         create a problem (e.g. an `ODEProblem`), or are directly creating a problem, you *should not*
│         modify that problem's initial conditions for species (e.g. using `remake`). Changing initial
│         conditions must be done by creating a new Problem from your reaction system or the
│         ModelingToolkit system you converted it into with the new initial condition map.
│         Modification of parameter values is still possible, *except* for the modification of any
│         conservation law constants (Γ), which is not possible. You might
│         get this warning when creating a problem directly.
│         You can remove this warning by setting `remove_conserved_warn = false`.
└ @ Catalyst ~/.julia/packages/Catalyst/48wH3/src/reactionsystem_conversions.jl:456
\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} A\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \mathtt{k_-} \left( - A\left( t \right) + \Gamma_{2} \right) + \mathtt{k.} \left( - A\left( t \right) - \Gamma_{1} \right) A\left( t \right) \end{align} \]

Only one (unknown) state variable need to be solved

1-element Vector{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}}:

The other two are constrained by conserved quantities

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} B\left( t \right) &= A\left( t \right) + \Gamma_{1} \\ C\left( t \right) &= - A\left( t \right) + \Gamma_{2} \end{align} \end{split}\]

Solve the problem

oprob = ODEProblem(osys, [], (0.0, 10.0), [])
sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5())
┌ Warning: Initialization system is overdetermined. 2 equations for 0 unknowns. Initialization will default to using least squares. `SCCNonlinearProblem` can only be used for initialization of fully determined systems and hence will not be used here. To suppress this warning pass warn_initialize_determined = false. To make this warning into an error, pass fully_determined = true
└ @ ModelingToolkit ~/.julia/packages/ModelingToolkit/JpO3W/src/systems/diffeqs/abstractodesystem.jl:1277
retcode: Success
Interpolation: specialized 4th order "free" interpolation
t: 19-element Vector{Float64}:
u: 19-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:

You can still trace the eliminated variable

plot(sol, idxs=osys.C)

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