Schelling’s segregation model#
Source: Agents.jl
tutorial. Wikipedia
Agents : They belong to one of two groups (0 or 1).
Model : Each position of the grid can be occupied by at most one agent.
For each step
If an agent has at least 3 neighbors belonging to the same group, then it is happy.
If an agent is unhappy, it keeps moving to new locations until it is happy.
To define an agent type, we should make a mutable struct derived from AbstractAgent
with 2 mandatory fields:
. The identifier number of the agent.pos
. For agents on a 2D grid, the position field should be a tuple of 2 integers.
On top of that, we could define other properties for the agents.
First, we create a 2D space with a Chebyshev metric. This leads to 8 neighboring positions per position (except at the edges of the grid).
using Agents
using Random
using CairoMakie
CairoMakie.activate!(px_per_unit = 1.0)
Update message: Agents v6
This is a new major version of Agents.jl with lots of cool stuff!
However, from this version onwards, we will stop posting update messages
to the REPL console!
If you want to be updated, follow this discourse post:
(and see the file online for a list of changes!)
The helper function below is adapted from Agents.abmvideo
and correctly displays animations in Jupyter notebooks
function abmvio(model;
dt = 1, framerate = 30, frames = 300, title = "", showstep = true,
figure = (size = (600, 600),), axis = NamedTuple(),
recordkwargs = (compression = 23, format ="mp4"), kwargs...
# title and steps
abmtime_obs = Observable(abmtime(model))
if title ≠ "" && showstep
t = lift(x -> title*", time = "*string(x), abmtime_obs)
elseif showstep
t = lift(x -> "time = "*string(x), abmtime_obs)
t = title
axis = (title = t, titlealign = :left, axis...)
# First frame
fig, ax, abmobs = abmplot(model; add_controls = false, warn_deprecation = false, figure, axis, kwargs...)
# Animation
Makie.Record(fig; framerate, recordkwargs...) do io
for j in 1:frames-1
Agents.step!(abmobs, dt)
abmtime_obs[] = abmtime(model)
abmvio (generic function with 1 method)
Define the Agent type using the @agent
The agents inherit all properties of GridAgent{2}
sicne they live on a 2D grid. They also have two properties: mood
(happy or not) and group
@agent struct SchellingAgent(GridAgent{2})
mood::Bool = false ## true = happy
group::Int ## the group does not have a default value!
Define the stepping function for the agent nearby_agents(agent, model)
lists neighbors.
If there are over 2 neighbors of the same group, make the agent happy.
Else, the agent will move to a random empty position
function schelling_step!(agent::SchellingAgent, model)
minhappy = model.min_to_be_happy
count_neighbors_same_group = 0
for neighbor in nearby_agents(agent, model)
if ==
count_neighbors_same_group += 1
if count_neighbors_same_group ≥ minhappy
agent.mood = true ## The agent is happy
agent.mood = false
move_agent_single!(agent, model) ## Move the agent to a random position
return nothing
schelling_step! (generic function with 1 method)
It is recommended to use a function to create the ABM for easily alter its parameters.
function init_schelling(; numagents = 300, griddims = (20, 20), min_to_be_happy = 3, seed = 2024)
# Create a space for the agents to reside
space = GridSpace(griddims)
# Define parameters of the ABM
properties = Dict(:min_to_be_happy => min_to_be_happy)
rng = Random.Xoshiro(seed)
# Create the model
model = StandardABM(
SchellingAgent, space;
properties, rng,
agent_step! = schelling_step!,
container = Vector, ## agents are not removed, this is faster
scheduler = Schedulers.Randomly()
# Populate the model with agents, adding equal amount of the two types of agents at random positions in the model.
# We don't have to set the starting position. Agents.jl will choose a random position.
for n in 1:numagents
add_agent_single!(model; group = n < 300 / 2 ? 1 : 2)
return model
init_schelling (generic function with 1 method)
Running the model#
model = init_schelling()
StandardABM with 300 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpace with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=true
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
The step!()
function evolves the model forward. The run!()
function is similar to step!()
but also collects data along the simulation.
Progress the model by one step.
StandardABM with 300 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpace with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=true
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
Progress the model by 3 steps
step!(model, 3)
StandardABM with 300 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpace with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=true
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
Progress the model until 90% of the agents are happy
happy90(model, time) = count(a -> a.mood == true, allagents(model))/nagents(model) ≥ 0.9
step!(model, happy90)
StandardABM with 300 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpace with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=true
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
How many steps are passed
The abmplot()
function visulizes the simulation result using Makie.jl.
Some helper functions to identify agent groups.
groupcolor(a) = == 1 ? :blue : :orange
groupmarker(a) = == 1 ? :circle : :rect
groupmarker (generic function with 1 method)
Plot the initial conditions of the model
model = init_schelling()
figure, _ = abmplot(model; agent_color = groupcolor, agent_marker = groupmarker, agent_size = 15, axis=(;title = "Schelling's segregation model"))

Let’s make an animation for the model evolution.
model = init_schelling()
vio = abmvio(model;
agent_color = groupcolor,
agent_marker = groupmarker,
agent_size = 15,
framerate = 4, frames = 20,
title = "Schelling's segregation model"
vio |> display
Data analysis#
The run!()
function runs simulation and collects data in the DataFrame
format. The adata
(aggregated data) keyword selects fields we want to extract in the DataFrame.
x(agent) = agent.pos[1]
adata = [x, :mood, :group]
model = init_schelling()
adf, mdf = run!(model, 5; adata)
adf[end-10:end, :] ## display only the last few rows
Row | time | id | x | mood | group |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Bool | Int64 | |
1 | 5 | 290 | 10 | true | 2 |
2 | 5 | 291 | 19 | false | 2 |
3 | 5 | 292 | 5 | true | 2 |
4 | 5 | 293 | 16 | true | 2 |
5 | 5 | 294 | 16 | true | 2 |
6 | 5 | 295 | 6 | true | 2 |
7 | 5 | 296 | 8 | true | 2 |
8 | 5 | 297 | 7 | true | 2 |
9 | 5 | 298 | 14 | true | 2 |
10 | 5 | 299 | 11 | true | 2 |
11 | 5 | 300 | 10 | true | 2 |
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