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Dynamic parallel matrix

Job matrix creates multiple job runs that are based on the combinations of the variables. Sometimes we want a dynamic number of matrix jobs, which requires a JSON array as an output. Here we use json and glob modules in Python to generate that JSON list.12

Git Commands


Ordinary workflows

HEAD: the current state of the repo.

Download a repository

Clone a git repo from a remote repository:

git clone <url>

Checking out a specific branch:

git clone <url> -b <branchname>

If there are submodule(s) in the Git repository, you might want to clone them as well using the --recursive option.

git clone <url> --recursive

See also: SSH login to Git services like GitHub and GitLab.

Make changes and commit

git status      # The current state of the repository.
git add <file>  # Add a new or edited file to the staging area. i.e. telling git to track this file
git add -A      # Track all files at once
git commit -m "Commit message"  # Commit staged (added) file
git commit -am "Commit message" # Commit modified files without having to run git add beforehand
git revert <SHA>                # Make a counter commit to undo the changes. The tracked files will go back to the <SHA> commit.

Synchronize with remote: Push and pull

git fetch # Download objects and refs from another repository without really pull in the changes
git merge # After git fetch, merge the changes done in the remote to the local repo
git push <remote> <branch-name> # Push commits in to remote
git push --set-upstream <remote> <name-of-your-branch>  # Setup remote url before push
git pull <remote>  # Pull changes from the remote


To temporarily store untracked files.

git stash -u   # Store current work with untracked files
git stash pop  # Bring stashed work back to the working directory

Work with branches

git branch <branch_name>    # Create a new branch
git branch -a               # List all branches
git branch -d <branch_name> # Delete a branch

git checkout <branch_name>    # checkout an existing branch
git checkout -b <branch_name> # Create a new branch and checkout it

git switch <branch_name>    # Switch to a specified branch. If the branch name does not exist, create one.
git merge  <branch_name>    # Merge the branch into the current branch

Orphan branches

Orphan branches are unrelated to others in history. For example, gh-pages branch dedicated to GitHub pages.

git branch --orphan <branchname>  # Create a orphan branch

Git submodule

Frequently used commands for Git submodules.

Add a submodule

TO add the reference to another git project as a submodule:

git submodule add $url $path
git submodule update --init --recursive

Alternatively, you can use GUI tools like or GitHub desktop. They download and initiate submodules automatically.

Add you will see the file .gitmodules with information about the submodule(s). For instance,

[submodule "themes/DoIt"]
    path = themes/DoIt
    url =

Track a specific branch in the submodule

With -b $branch option

git submodule add -b $branch $url $path

Or set-branch -b $branch if you already have added a submodule

git submodule set-branch -b  $branch $path

Update all Git submodules to the latest commit

From a stackOverflow post and Git docs

git submodule update --remote --merge

For automated updates by bots, see automatic dependency update.

Remove a submodule

From Git docs

# Remove submodule from config
git submodule deinit $path
# Delete submodule tracking data
git rm <submodule path> && git commit
# Complete removal
rm -rf $GIT_DIR/modules/$name/

SSH login to GitHub and GitLab

Generate a pair of SSH keys

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

The SSH agent will ask you to enter a location to save the keys. e.g. /home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519. Passphrase is optional.
Then there will be two SSH key files:

  • ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 is the private key. Protect it at all costs.
  • ~/.ssh/ is the public key.

Using different keys for GitHub and GitLab access is more secure. However, the same pair of keys is used for this demonstration purposes.

Add remote to the SSH settings

Edit ~/.ssh/config

mkdir -p ~/.ssh
touch ~/.ssh/config
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
nano ~/.ssh/config

Add the following content to set the private key as the IdentityFile.

Host GitHub
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Host GitLab
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Add the SSH key to your GitHub account

According to 📖 Github docs, add the SSH key here

  • Paste the content of the public key, ~/.ssh/ to the key field.
  • Add a descriptive label for the new key in the "Title" field.
  • Finally, click the Add SSH key green button. If prompted, confirm your GitHub password.

Add the SSH key to your GitLab account

Add the SSH key here

  • Paste the content of the public key, ~/.ssh/ to the key field.
  • Add a descriptive label for the new key in the "Title" field.
  • Select an expiration date.
  • Finally, click the Add key button.

Test your setup


ssh -vT

Accept its fingerprint if prompted. If you see "Hi user! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access" that means login is successful.


ssh -vT

Accept its fingerprint if prompted.

Strip Jupyter Notebook Output

Jupyter notebooks without multimedia outputs are more friendly to source control since git is not good at comparing binary data (e.g., plots, pictures, videos) in jupyter notebooks. And they tend to bloat the size of git repositories.

Removing large binary blobs in the git tree

Git filter-repo is a filter-branch replacement for rewriting history written in a single-file python script.

To wipe large binary files entirely:

git filter-repo --strip-blobs-bigger-than 100M

Bonus: Remove sensitive content

git filter-repo --use-base-name --path id_dsa --path id_rsa --invert-paths
git filter-repo --replace-text passwords.txt

Git reset

  • Mixed reset (default): discard untracked files, but the changed files are preserved but not marked for commit.
  • Hard reset: Resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since commit are discarded.
  • Soft reset: Does not touch the index file or the working tree at all (but resets the head to commit)
git reset --hard <SHA>   # Reset git history to a specific commit

git reset HEAD~          # Reset state to the previous commit (~)