Julia design patterns
Some notes of Tom kwong's book Hands on Design patterns in Julia.
Separated Project environments¶
It is recommended to maintain a minimal root environment (with a few necessary packages like Revise.jl
) and customize the local Julia project environment by the following steps:
- Go to your project folder and run
julia --project=.
. This will runpkg> activate .
at start. - Add you packages by
pkg> add Pkg1 Pkg2...
Packages and modules¶
Julia also encourages making your own packages, even temporarily, to utilize unit-testing, precompilation, and to separate namespaces.
- Creating Julia packages is light-weight:
pkg> generate PkgName
only creates two files (one julia and one TOML file). For a more complete configuration, consider using PkgTemplates or PkgSkeleton.jl for more functionalities like CI testing and code coverage. - Revise.jl watches file system changes and update the code in the loaded packages / modules automatically.
Functional interfaces and multiple dispatch¶
In the Julia world, generic functions called functions, while those with type annotations / parameterizations are called methods. My impressions so far was that, Julia is a functional interface-first programming language, by the power of multiple dispatch paradigm, to make Julia a much more flexible (in programming) and composable between packages: e.g. DiffEq + Flux + GPU kernel), and mathematically natural. However, it requires a vastly different mindset for users coming from the object-oriented worlds like Python / Java.
- Abstract types cannot have fields. They are only meant to be inherited with their functional interfaces. Concrete types (structs with fields), on the other hand, cannot not be inherited.
- Use parameteric type (structs) and methods rather than directly type-annotate the fields / arguments.
- Traits are functions that return True/False/Error based on the input type. See holy traits for more details.
Delegation pattern¶
This is a form of polymorphism via composition1. Use a new wrapper type to established packages to reuse their code at the cose of an additional layer of indirection.
Holy traits¶
Holy traits are named after Tim Holy.
- Traits are empty structs.
- Data types are assigned catagorically to traits' interfaces, implementing different behavior for different kind of data type.
- Traits heirarchy could be separated from the type heirarchy they modeled.
SimpleTraits.jl automates some of the boilerplate for you.
Global constant¶
Global (module-level) variables are discouraged for performance reasons, but global constants are welcomed in Julia since the compiler can optimize global constants.
Struct of arrays (SoA)¶
Struct of arrays (SoA) are superior to array of structs (AoS) in terms of performance in SIMD and GPU.
StructArrays handles the mapping of AoS (on the interface) to SoA (in the memory).
Memoization saves duplicated work in repetitive or recursive calls.
You can implement memoization by yourself using function wrapper, local cache, and closure. But Memoize.jl would do the hard work for you.
Barrier functions for type stability¶
Julia runs slower in type-unstable code. Use @code_warntype
in front of an expression to spot type instability. (or use @inferred
in unit tests to err on type instabilities) Use generic functions (aka barrier functions) to ensure type stability.
- zero(x)
instead of 0
- Separate kernel functions. Small functions are more easily optimized.
Keyword definition¶
Keyword definitions use less boilerplate code for struct initialization.
- Parameters.jl package.
- Built-in
Accessor: getters and setters¶
Customize Base.getproperty(x, :a)
for getters (x.a
) and Base.setproperty!(x, :a, val)
for setters (x.a = val
Let blocks¶
A let
block defines its own local namespace. The variables defined inside a let block cannot be accessed outside.
Functional pipes¶
Useful in data pipelines. Checkout Chain.jl for enhanced pipelines.
Anti-patterns in Julia¶
- Type instability especially in tight loops yields poor performance.
- Global variables are type-unstable. But Global constants are not.
- Type piracy, a.k.a. redefining an existing function or twisting the behavior of a function. Do not define methods for types you do not own.
- Narrow argument types means overspecialization. Write generic code first.
- Non-concrete field type:
struct A x::Real end
provides no benefit againststruct A x end
. Use parametric types instead alike the example below.