Super-resolution microscopy techniques
Course notes of Super-resolution microscopy.
Course information¶
- Lecturer: Tony Yang
- Time: 789 (W)
- Location: MD225
- Reference books
- Bahaa Saleh and Malvin Teich, Fundamental of Photonics, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, 2007.
- Erfle, Holger, Super-Resolution Microscopy: Methods and Protocols, Humana Press, 2017
- Grading:
- Participation in classroom discussions: 25%
- Midterm: 30%
- Term paper: 45%
Ray optics¶
When length scale of the instrument is much larger than that of light wavelength.
Neither wave properties (diffraction, interference) nor photon ones.
Optical path length = line integral from one point to another, with respect to refraction index (n)
\(\(\int_A^B n(r)ds\)\)
Fermat's principle¶
Light tries to tale minimal travel time
Snell's law:
\(\(n_1sin\theta_1 = n_2sin\theta_2\)\)
Huygen's principle¶
Wavefront and wavelets: explains refraction, diffraction and interference
Total internal reflection¶
Dense material to loose material.
With little energy loss (<0.1%) as evanescent wave, penetration depth about 100-200 nm.
When incidence angle \(\theta >\) the critical angle \(\theta_c = sin^{-1}(\frac{n_2}{n_1})\)
Used in fiber optics and superresolution microscope.
Negative-index metamaterials¶
Superlensing breaking through the diffraction limit.
n is frequency-dependent
Spherical mirrors¶
- Approximation of the 'perfect' parabolic mirror at small angles
- For small angles (paraaxial) \(\theta \approx sin(\theta) \approx tan(\theta)\)
Spherical boundaries of different refractive indices¶
Thin lens from two spherical surfaces¶
Transformation in matrix forms¶
Light rays as 2-component vector
Components as 2 by 2 matrix.
Wave optics¶
- Diffraction (+), polarization (-), Fraunhofer (+), Fresnal (+)
- Maxwell equations: EM (E and B) vector fields
- optic phase is the central quantity.
- phase match at boundaries
Wave equation¶
2nd derivative of space proportional to that of time
u: space; t: time; v: phase velocity; k: wave number; \(\omega\): angular frequency; n: refractive index
- Linear equations => superposition possible
- Complex notation by Euler's formula
a: amplitude, ϕ(r): phase, ω: angular velocity
periodic both in time and space
the real part = physical quantity
Helmholtz equations¶
- regardless of time
surfaces of constant phase (等相位面)
Plane waves in media with refractive index n
k &= k0n \cr
λ &= \frac{λ0}{n}
Bigger the n, higher in spatial frequency (shorter in wavelength). The same time frequency.
Spherical waves¶
Fresnel Approximation: Paraaxial (\(z^2 >> (x^2 + y^2)\)): Spherical -> paraboloidal -> planar wave
Reflection, Refraction¶
- Results are similar to ray optics at planar surfaces for planar waves
- Plane wave through thin lens -> paraboloidal waves
- Intensity = \(| U(r) |^2\)
By superposition of two rays
Paraxial waves¶
- Slowly varying envelope: slow change in amplitude
- Paraxial Helmholtz equation
Gaussian beam¶
- q(z): q-parameter
- A solution to the paraxial Helmholtz equation
- The best we can do in real situations
- Cannot avoid spreading, but Gaussian beam's angular divergence in minimal.
- Inside the waist (the narrowest part of the beam) is similar to planar wave
- Long wavelength and thin beam waist -> more divergence
- Depth of focus
- Calculate the divergence by the q parameter and complex distance
Beam quality: M-square factor >=1, the smaller the better.
Through thin lens
- Change in phase -> wavefront is bent
- Radius is unchanged
- Not focused on a single point like in ray optics
Higher order modes (TEM (l,m))¶
- Laguerre-Gaussian beams -> important in superresolution.
Fourier Optics¶
- Any wave = sum (superpositions) of plane waves
- Important properties: angles and spatial frequencies
- Optical components: linear functions with frequency response
- Impulse (with all frequencies) => Impulse response function
- Inputs of various freq. => Transfer function
Propagation of light in free space¶
Angles => spatial frequencies in the x-y plane
* wave vector \(\textbf{k} = (k_x, k_y, k_z)\)
* wave length \(\lambda\)
* wave number \(k = \sqrt{k_x^2 + k_y^2 + k_z^2} = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\)
For paraxial waves
Optical Fourier Transform¶
- Spatial frequencies at different angles
- A lens could do Fourier transform at the focal plane
Fraunhofer Far Field Approximation¶
- Far field: \(d \gg \frac{b^2}{\lambda} , \frac{a^2}{\lambda}\)
- Near field (\(d \approx \lambda\)): superresolution (~nm) due to little distortion
- Far field image (diffraction pattern) is the Fourier transform of the original image
- Smaller the scale (higher spatial frequencies), larger the distortion (wider aura)
- Diffraction: is everywhere, but best demonstrated in the pinhole(aperture) experiment
Rectangular aperture¶
- expressed as cardinal sine (sinc) function
- Angular divergence (first zero value): \(\theta_x = \frac{\lambda}{D_x}\)
Circular aperture¶
- Bessel function, Airy pattern
- \(\theta = 1.22\frac{\lambda}{D}\): angle of the Airy disk
- Focused optical beam through an aperture: \(\theta = 1.22\frac{f\lambda}{D}\):
4-F imaging system¶
- Original image -> lens (FT) -> (spatial frequencies) -> lens(iFT) -> perfect image (in theory)
- Filtering of higher spatial frequencies: less detailed image, less noise
- Spatial filtering: cleaning laser beams
Transfer function of free space¶
- Higher freq. => real exponent => attenuate rapidly (evanescent wave)
- Electric-field as a vector
- Polarization ellipse: looking at the xy plane from the z axis.
- Phase difference: \(\varphi\)
- Linearly polarized: $\varphi = 0 $ or \(\pi\)
- Circularly polarized $\varphi = \pm \pi /2 $ and \(a_x = a_y\)$
- Linear polarizer : only passed a certain linearly polarized light
- Wave retarder: changes \(\varphi\) to change polarization pattern
Fiber optics¶
- Low-loss
- Light could bend inside it
- Single-mode fiber (small core): Gaussian wave only
- Multimode fiber (larger core): higher order light source
- Relation to numerical aperture (NA)
- Acceptance angle of the fiber: \(\theta_a = sin^{-1}(NA)\)
- Larger NA: more higher order information, more noise
- Smaller NA: \(V = 2\pi\frac{a}{\lambda_0}NA < 2.405\). Gaussian wave only
- Polarization-maintaining fibers
Quantum optics¶
- Quantum electrodynamics (QED)
- Energy carried by a photon: \(E = h\nu = \hbar\omega\)
- Typical light source: more than trillion photons per second
- \(E (eV) = \frac{1.24}{\lambda_0(\mu m)}\)
- Momentum carried by a photon: \(p = hk\)
- Probability of photon position or the squared magnitude of the SWE (individual behavior) is directly proportional to light intensity (group behavior)
- At smaller n : the interference pattern looks random (randomness of photon flow)
- At larger n: the interference pattern is more similar to what we see in the macroscale
- Poisson distribution (discrete randomness with rate = photon flux)
- mean = variance
- SNR = mean^2 / variance = mean
Schrodinger wave equation (SWE)¶
- Similar to solve for eigenvalues => discrete solutions => quantized energy levels
- Particle in a well / atoms with a single electron => standing wave (discrete solutions)
- Multi-electron: no analytical solutions
Photons and matter¶
- Photon absorption and release: jumping in energy levels
- Rotational : microwave to far-infrared
- Vibrational : IR e.g. CO2 laser
- Electronic : visible to UV
- Photon absorption: electron jump up in energy level
- Photon emission: Spontaneous vs stimulated (laser)
Occupation of energy levels¶
- Boltzmann distribution
- Pumping energy: population inversion
- Laser stimulated emission
- Cathodo- (CRT)
- Sono- (ultrasound)
- Chemi- (lightsticks)
- Bio- (firefly)
- Electro- (LED)
- Photo- (Laser, Fluorescence, Phosphorescence)
- In fact emitting a range of wavelengths (many sub-energy levels)
- Fluorescence (spin-allowed, shorter lifetime) vs phosphorescence (spin-forbidden, longer lifetime)
- Absorption of 2 lower energy photons => emission of 1 higher energy photon
- Multiphoton fluorescence
Light scattering¶
- Photoluminescence: real excited states (resonant)
- Scattering: virtual excited states (non-resonant)
- Rayleigh scattering: same energy (elastic)
- Particle size much smaller than the photon wavelength
- Reason behind blue sky
- vs Mie scattering particle size comparable to photon wavelength
- Raman scattering
- Stokes: Loss energy
- Ani-Stokes: Gain energy
- Molecular signature
- Brillouin: acoustic
Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)¶
- Label-free microscopy
- 380 nm ~ 710 nm
- threshold of vision: 10 photons (a cluster of rod cells)
- Logarithmic perception: Weber-Fechner Law (like hearing)
- Single lens: spherical and chromatic aberration inevitable
- Astigmatism: directional aberration
- Pupil (Aperture)
- Small pupil: less spherical and chromatic aberration (paraxial), less brightness and more diffraction
- Large pupil: more brightness, more spherical and chromatic aberration
- Optimum: 3mm
- Viewing angle: the perceived size
Length scale of microscopes¶
- Resolution limit of regular light microscope: 200nm
- Clear organelles structure: 30nm
Geometrical optics of a thin lens¶
- Lens equation: \(\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b}\)
- Magnification factor: \(M = \frac{b}{a}\)
- Virtual image: divergent rays forming a real image on the retina due to the lens
- Compound microscope: M = \(M_{obj}\) * \(M_{eye}\)
Infinity-corrected microscope¶
- Object on the focal plane of the objective lens
- Parallel rays from the objective is converged by the tube lens
- Magnification: reference tube length (160-200mm) divided by the focal length of the objective
- shorter focal length = larger magnification
- 1.5mm => 100x
Microscope anatomy and design¶
- The most important: resolving power (distinguish between two points) = numerical aperture (NA)
- 2nd: Contrast : object v.s. background (noise) signal strength
- 3rd: Magnification: \(M_{obj}\) * \(M_{eye}\)
- Light source: Koehler illumination to see the sample, not the light source
- Diaphragm
- Field: field of view
- Condenser / aperture: resolution + brightness (open, larger angle) vs contrast + depth of view (closed, smaller angle)
- Condenser
- Objective
- Eyepiece / camera
Different types of microscopic design¶
- Transmitted light
- Bright field
- Dark field
- Phase contrast
- Polarization
- Reflected light: objective = condenser (most common in modern microscopes)
- Fluorescence
- Upright vs inverted
Optical aberrations¶
Spherical aberrations¶
- Paraxial and peripheral rays have different focal planes
- Asymmetry in unfocused images
- Corrected by
- 2 plano-convex lenses facing each other
- meniscus lenses
- lenses with different radii
- doubling with another lens with opposing degree of spherical aberration
Chromatic aberrations¶
- Different refractive index for different wavelengths
- Corrected by
- Doubling with a lens with a different material and shape
- Achromat: corrected for 2 wavelengths
- Apochromatic: corrected for at least 3 wavelengths
- Flunar (semi-apochromatic)
- Different directional plane, different foci
- Not in perfect alignment (off-axis) / curvature of field
- Esp. in high NA lens
- Caused / corrected vy a plano-cylindrical lens
- Comet tail
- Off-axis aberration (misalignment)
Field Curvature¶
- Thin flat object -> image with edges curving towards lens
- Cause: difference of lengths of light paths
- Esp. in high NA
- Planar view objectives correct this
- non-linear aberrations
- different magnification across the field of view
Transverse chromatic aberration¶
- Chromatic difference of magnification
Testing for aberrations¶
- Color shift between channels
- Fluorescent beads
Anti-vibration tables¶
- Vibrations
- Ground (low freq. 0.1 - 5 Hz)
- Acoustic
- Direct vibration from the components (10-100 Hz)
- Solution:
- Air isolators
- Active control
- Protect scientists' eyes, neck, and shoulder
- The most important part in a microscope
Objective class¶
- More corrections, more expensive
- Achromat: 1
- Semi-apochromatic: 2-3
- Apochromatic: 5-10 cost
Labels on the objective¶
- numerical aperture (NA): resolving power (collected photons)
- magnification (e.g. 10x): field of view
- color correction: Achromat / Semi-apochromat (Neofluar / fluotar) / Apochromat
- immersion: air / water / oil
- free working distance
- cover slip thickness (usually 170 μm)
Numerical aperture¶
NA = nsinα
Oil immersion¶
- no air gap causing total internal reflection (loss of photon information)
- NA up to 1.4
Abbe's law¶
Lateral spatial resolution (xy):
Axial spatial resolution (z): usually worse (~700 nm)
Depth of field vs depth of focus¶
- Depth of field: moving the object
- Depth of focus: moving the image plane
- More NA, brighter
- More mag, dimmer
- Best brightness: NA 1.4 and mag 40x
Illumination (lamp)¶
- Tungsten: 300-1500nm (reddish), dimmer
- Tungsten-halogen lamp: stable spectrum and bright
- Mercury lamp: 5 spectral peaks, 200hrs
- Meta-halide lamp: same spectral properties as the mercury lamp, lasts 2000 hrs
- Xenon lamp: more constant illumination across wavelengths, 1000 hrs
- LED: small, stable, efficient, intense, multiple colors, quick to switch, long-lasting (10000 hrs)
- Absorption vs interference (modern)
- Neutral-density (equal) vs color filters (specific wavelengths)
- Rayleigh's criterion: \(d = \frac{0.61 \lambda}{NA}\)
- Sparrow's (astrophysics): \(d = \frac{0.47 \lambda}{NA}\)
- Abbe's: \(d = \frac{0.5 \lambda}{NA}\)
- Interpreted as spatial freq. response of a transfer function (low-pass filter)
- Signal strength of object vs background
- Human eye limit: 2% (dynamic range = 50x, 5-6 bits)
- Improved by staining (including fluorescence) and lighting techniques
Interactions with the specimen¶
- Absorption / transmission / reflection: produce contrast (amplitude objects)
- scattering (irregular) / diffraction : edge contrast enhancement
- Refraction: difference in refractive index (n)
- Polarization: DIC (differential interference contrast) with two coherent beam and Wollaston prisms
- Phase change: phase contrast (shifting phases)/ phase interference
- Fluorescence: achieves superresolution
- Absorption and release of photons (time scale of 1fs to 1ns)
- Great resolution, contrast, sensitivity and specificity
- Live cell imaging
- Various labels (with different wavelength)
Bright vs Dark field¶
- Bright field : darker specimen than the background, lower contrast
- Dark field (by oblique illumination): brighter specimen than the background, higher contrast
- transmitted light fall outside the objective, scattered light only
Fluorescence microscopy¶
- Finally the main point of superresolution microscopy
- high-contrast (clean labeling)
- sensitive: single molecule imaging (single photon)
- specific: labeling agent dependent
- multiple labeling at once with different wavelength
- versatile
- Live imaging: cell metabolism, protein kinetics
- Molecular interaction: FRET
- Relatively cheap and safe
Quantum processes¶
- Driving photon: kick electrons to an upper electronic state
- Fluorescence: electrons falling back to the ground state
- Some relaxation by vibrational energy levels (Strokes shift), or non-photogenic energy shifts
- Absorb / emit a range of wavelengths with abs. peak
- emitted wavelength is usually longer than absorbed
- Time scale: 1fs to 1ns
- Phosphorescence: singlet -> triplet -> singlet electron (spin-forbidden), much longer time scale (in seconds)
- Conjugated pi bonds providing the electronic energy levels from UV to IR
- Fluorescence lifetime:depend on the type of fluorophores. e.g. FLIM
- Photobleaching: irreversibly destroyed after 10000 - 100000 absorption/emission cycles
- FRAP: measuring diffusion rate
- Quenching / blinking
- Reversible suppression of emission
- PALM / STORM (single molecule microscopy)
- Emission tail: increased crosstalk to others
- Efficiency (Brightness): \(\Phi\epsilon_{max}\)
- Quantum yield (Φ)
- Molar extinction coef. (\(\epsilon_{max}\))
- The best one: quantum dots (also the most versatile)
Fluorescence microscope¶
- epi illumination is more suitable for biology
- Object = condenser
- Increased contrast (reduced background)
- transmitted light are outside field of view (only see fluorescence photons)
- Filter sets: one for excitation + one for emission + one dichromic mirror
- May need to design excitation / emission bands for multiple fluorophores
- Smaller = better spatial resolution
- May disrupt normal cellular function
- Labels: organic dye (1 nm), protein (3 nm), quantum dots (10 nm), gold particles (100 nm)
- Specificity molecules: Antibody (15 nm), Fab, Streptavidin, Nanobody (3 nm)
- May have secondary ones (making the entire dot even bigger)
- Absorption / emission wavelengths
- Stokes shift
- Molar extinction coefficient / quantum yield = brightness
- Toxicity
- Saturation
- Environment (pH)
Fluorescent protein: e.g. GFP¶
- Introduced by transfection: not always successful (transfection and cell viability)
- Others: CFP (cyan), mCherry, mOrange, ...
Photoactive fluorescent protein e.g. mCherry¶
- State transitions by activating photons
- photoactivable
- photoconvertible
- photoswitchable
Quantum dots¶
- Bright and resistant to photobleaching
- Blinking under continuous activation
- Bigger (10 nm)
- Broad excitation and narrow emission spectra
- e.g. Tryptophan, NAD(P)(H) in the cell
- Label-free imaging
- Background
Issues of fluorescence microscopy¶
- Blurring
- Bleaching
- Bleed-through
Blurring in fluorescence microscopy¶
- Limited depth of field compared to specimen thickness
- Reduce the SNR (out-of-focus blurred images)
- Solution: optical sectioning
- Pinhole: block out-of-focus light. Aperture in Airy Units (AU), optimal is 1
- Raster scanning with mirrors and a laser: point-by-point
- Phototoxicity issues: Time-lapse possible, but even higher phototoxicity
- photon detection
- PMT: high gain, low quantum efficiency(QE) (1/8)
- CCD: higher QE (65%), higher background noise (lower SNR)
- ScMOS: QE~95%
- Avalanche photodiode (APD): QE~80%, higher SNR
- Imaging parameters: no absolute rules, always trade-offs
- Resolution: slightly better than wide field (1.4x spatial freq., by FWHM of the PSF)
Spinning disc¶
- Faster imaging (parallel scans) and lower phototoxicity
- Spinning microlens array + pinholes
- Thinner optical slice of 800nm (traditional confocal: 1000nm)
Point spread function¶
- Point -> psf -> Airy disk
- After Fourier transform: Optical transfer function (OTF)
- Lens: finite aperture, could not capture higher spatial frequencies of the object
- A way to understand and calculate blurring. Image = object * psf
- Simplified to multiplication in the frequency domain by Fourier transform
- Optical transfer function (OTF) = F{PSF}
Point spread function (PSF)¶
- Hour-glass shape (sharper xy and less z resolution) due to the orientation of the objective
- Confocal pinhole open at 1 AU: less spreading of the PSF
- Computational iterative process: deblurring, restorative
- Only makes good image better
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)¶
- An illumination method for bottom 200nm (extent of evanescent field)
- Improves axial resolution (up to ~100 nm) and contrast
- spatial overlap between two (or more) different fluorescent labels
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- Spatial colocalization doe snot mean interaction (just the same pixel: co-occurrence)
- Software analysis: ImageJ
- Mander's Colocalization coefficients
- Noise leads to underestimation of colocalization
Spectral Overlap¶
- Bleed-through
- Crossover
- Cross-talk
- Managed by tweaking light sources and filters
Resolution limit¶
- Abide to physical laws
- Abbe limit: 0.5 * wavelength / numerical aperture, from Fourier optics
- Electron microscope (EM): 2nm. But cells need to be fixed and processed
- Fluorescent microscopy: 200 nm. Multiple labeling methods. Multiple strategies to enhance the resolution.
Super-resolution light microscopy (SRLM) (precisely nanoscopy)¶
- Cost, specimen prep, and operational complexity are in the middle between confocal and EM.
Near field microscopy¶
- Evanescent waves (before the light diffracts)
- 5-10 nm axial resolution, 30-100 nm lateral resolution
- Practically zero working distance
4-pi microscopy¶
- Two opposing objectives improves z resolution
- Technical difficulties
- Using non-linear properties of the fluorophores (turing they on / off)
Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED)¶
- Donut-shaped induced depletion laser (high power)
- At the tail of emission spectrum to avoid cross-talk
- Donut-shape via a vortex phase plate
- Diffraction-limited. But combining another diffraction-limited excitation laser to achieve super-resolution
- Higher labels and samples preparation requirements, and optical alignment (vibration sensitive)
- Depletion efficiency: \(p_{STED} = exp(-\frac{I_{STED}}{I_{sat}})\)
- Resolution by the factor of \(\sqrt{1 + \frac{I_{STED}}{I_{sat}}}\)
- More \(I_{STED}\), more resolution, but more power (photobleaching)
- Implementation: Pulsed, continuous wave, gated
- Pulsed: synchronization challenges
- continuous wave (CW): high background noises
- Gated: lower background noises than CW, easier than pulsed, mainstream
- Protected STED: less photobleaching using photoswitchable dyes
- Long-time observation
- STED with 4-pi: improved axial(z) resolution by another phase plate
Fluorescence probes¶
- More restricted
- Two color: Long Stoke shift + normal Stoke shift dyes
Localization microscopy¶
- Tracking the particles central positions from reversing the point spread function (e.g. fitting the Gaussian distribution). Only possible with sparse points, thus stochastic.
- Reconstruct the whole image from a series of sparse excited dyes.
- Switching-based separation is the mainstream of sparse activation
Photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM)¶
- Less convenient than dSTORM.
Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM)¶
- Direct STORM (dSTORM) currently
- Readily implemented on regular wide-field microscopes.
- Selected dye (esp. Alexa 647) and imaging buffers.
- Cameras instead of PMTs to see the whole field.
- Gaussian distributions fitting the intensity of dots to calculate the centroid point.
- Labels could have an impact on the measured length (e.g. primary and secondary antibodies)
- Localization precision: more photons, less uncertainty (more precision, up to 5-20 nm), more frames (time) required
- Precision estimation is a statistical issue.
- FWHM = 2.35 uncertainty (\(\sigma_{loc}\))
- Imaging buffer: together with activation laser, determines the state (active, vs dark) of dyes
- More fluorophores could be reactivated when the signal gets too weak by the activation laser (typically UV).
But not too strong to ruin the single molecule signals. - To avoid cross-talk (activating multiple types of dyes at once) and photobleaching by stronger activation photons,
starting activating with far-red (long-wavelength) dyes - Irradiation density
- Too high: no single molecule anymore, poor localization quality
- Too low: more time required and more background noise
- Threshold for signal detection and rejection criteria
- Too strict: wasted the real signal
- Too loose: more noise
- Too many photons at one time indicate multiple molecules = false positive, poorly localized
- Structural averaging: reducing noise by a series of images (time info. -> spatial info.)
- Pair correlation analysis and molecular cluster analysis (not randomly distributed particles)
- Single molecule tracking
- 3D localization by encoding z information into the optic system
- Bi-plane
- Dual helix
- Astigmatism
Structured illumination microscopy¶
- SIM for short
- Grating pattern for structured illumination (stripes) encoding high frequency information
- Indicated by Fourier optics (extension of optical transfer function (OTF))
- Multiple images by superimposing illumination stripes in different angles
- Increasing resolving power by 2x
- Even more resolution improvement by non-linear optics (saturation SIM)
Light sheet microscopy¶
- Orthogonal illumination
- Improved z axis and optical section
- Low laser intensity for live cell imaging, minimal phototoxicity
- Scanning beam / lattice for even illumination and more z resolution