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Applied electricity

Course notes of Applied electricity by Lecturer 林冠中.

Course information

  • Lecturer: 林冠中 (calculus365(at)
  • Time: Fri. ABCD
  • Location: EE1-201 Lab
  • Office hour (please make a reservation by email):
  • Mon. 5 pm
  • Tue. evening
  • Fri. after class


  • SI units for electrical circuits:
  • time(t): second
  • current(i): Ampere
  • voltage(v): Volt
  • resistance(r): Ohm
  • power(p): Watt

  • SI prefixes

  • Directionality matters. Negative sign = opposite direction
  • Minus to plus: voltage gain; plus to minus voltage drop
  • Ohm's Law: V = IR
  • Kirchhoff's circuit laws
  • KCL : \(Σi_{in} = Σi_{out}\) (on a node)
  • KVL : \(ΣV_{drop} = ΣV_{supply}\) (around a loop)
  • Power: \(P = IV\)


  • Flow of positive charge versus time: \(i(t) = \frac{dq}{dt}\)
  • 1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb per second


  • Change in energy (in Joules) from moving 1 Coulomb of charge
  • 1 Volt = 1 Joule change per Coulomb: \(V = \frac{Q}{C}\)
  • Change in electrical potential (\(φA - φB\))
  • Ground: V = 0 (manually set)
  • \(V_{ab} = V_{a} - V_{b}\)
  • Power supplier (source): pointing from minus (-) to plus (+)
  • Power receiver (load): pointing from plus (+) to minus (-)

Dependent sources

Find where the depending parameter is and note the units. Wikipedia

Power balance

Rule of thumb: supply = load. Beware directionality of both current and voltage across a device.

Resistive circuits, Nodal and mesh analysis

  • Conductance G = 1/R, Unit: Siemens (S)
  • Short circuit: V = 0, R = 0
  • Open circuit: I = 0, G = 0
  • Passive component: R >= 0
  • Parallel circuit: same voltage
  • Serial circuit: same current

Nodal analysis

  • Use Kirchhoff's current laws (current in = current out)
  • Grounding (set V = 0) on one of the node.
  • Super-node (Voltage source): direct voltage difference between nodes, reducing the need to find currents

Loop (mesh) analysis

  • Use Kirchhoff's voltage laws (voltage supplied = voltage consumed)
  • Note that currents add up in common sides of the loops.
  • Super-mesh (Current source): direct current inference in the loop.

Series / parallel circuits

  • Serial: one common point. \(R_s = R_1 + R_2\)
  • Parallel: two common points. \(R_p = \frac{R_1R_2}{R_1 + R_2}\)
  • Analysis: combining resistors bottom-up.
  • Voltage divider: series resistors
  • Current divider: parallel resistors

Resistor tolerance

  • Last colored ring on the resistor.
  • Need to design some room for the components according to the tolerance (min and max values)

Y-Δ transformation

  • Δ -> Y: denominator = sum of the three; numerator = product of the twos next to the node
  • Y -> Δ: denominator = the opposite one; numerator = sum of products of two
  • Electric bridge balance: products of the opposite sides are the same
  • central current = 0 => equivalent to open circuit


What is the difference between node and loop analysis?

The principle of superposition

  • Effects of multiple sources could be added (superposition) individually.
  • Remove voltage source = short circuit
  • Remove current source = open circuit

Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits

Thévenin's theorem

  • Simplifying circuit in a black box from the principle of superposition
  • Find equivalent resistance (\(R_{TH}\)) after source removal.
  • Find equivalent open circuit voltage (source) for Thevenin's theorem
  • Or, find equivalent short circuit current (source) for Norton's theorem

For dependent sources

  • Pure dependent sources cannot self-start: \(V_{TH}\) = 0
  • Finding \(R_{TH}\) requires a probe source: \(R_{TH} = {V_p}/{I_p}\)
  • I_p : short circuit current with a probe source
  • Like one would do in a an circuit experiment

Maximum power transfer

When \(R_{Load} = R_{TH}\), the power is maximum $P = V{TH}^2 / (4R) $

Norton's theorem

  • \(R_{TH}\) the same as Thevenin
  • \(I_{SC}\) : short circuit current instead of open circuit voltage
  • \(I_{SC} = V_{OC} / R_{TH}\)

Capacitors and Capacitance

  • \(i = C \frac{dV}{dt}\)
  • Smooth voltage change
  • At t=0 and uncharged: short-circuit
  • DC steady-state: open-circuit
  • Energy stored: \(0.5CV^2\)
  • Series / Parallel: opposite to resistors

Inductors and Inductance

  • \(v = L \frac{di}{dt}\)
  • Smooth current change
  • At t=0 and no mag. flux: open-circuit
  • DC steady-state: short-circuit
  • Energy stored: \(0.5Li^2\)
  • Series / Parallel: the same as resistors

AC steady-state analysis

  • Periodic signal: \(x(t) = x(t + nT)\)
  • Sinusoidal waveform: \(x(t) = Acos(\omega t + \phi)\)
  • \(\omega = 2\pi f\)
  • \(f = 1/T\)
  • \(2\pi\) rad = 360 degrees

RMS (Root mean square), effective value

  • Peak = \(\sqrt{2}\) RMS value for sinusoidal current and voltage.

Phase lead / lag

  • Leads by 45 degrees: \(x(t) = Acos(\omega t + 45^o)\)
  • Lags by 45 degrees: \(x(t) = Acos(\omega t - 45^o)\)
  • Pure capacitor + AC circuit: current leads voltage by 90 degrees
  • Pure inductor + AC circuit: current lags voltage by 90 degrees

Complex algebra

  • Euler's formula: \(e^{j\theta} = cos(\theta) + sin(\theta)\)
  • Frequency term (\(e^{j\omega t}\)) is usually omitted in favor of angle notation.
  • Multiplication: angle addition; division: angle subtraction for waveforms of the same freq.


  • Generalization to resistance in the complex domain
  • The same way in calculations as that in the case of resistance
  • Admittance: Generalization to conductance (reciprocal of impedance)
  • Inductor: \(Z_{L} = j\omega L\)
  • Capacitor: \(Z_{C} = 1/(j\omega C)\)
  • Impedance is frequency-dependent. Higher freq: higher impedance from inductors; lower freq: higher impedance from capacitors


  • Proved from impedance analysis
  • Frequency response: transfer function = gain function
  • Low pass filter: the RC circuit
  • Bode plot: x: input frequency (log scale), y: response (amplitude)

RC, RL, and RLC circuits

  • First, convert it to the equivalent circuit (Thevenin) for further analysis
  • Time constants may be different in charging / discharging due to different circuits

RC transients

  • Voltage is continuous, while current is not.
  • For uncharged capacitor, initial voltage across the capacitor is zero (i.e. short circuit)
  • when charging, it approaches applied voltage. The steady-state is open circuit.
  • Discharging: positive voltage and negative current.
  • Time scale \(\tau_{C} = RC\)
  • Charging transient: \(v_{C} = E - i_{C}R\), \(i_{C} = \frac{E}{R}e^{-t/\tau_{C}}\)
  • Discharging transient: \(v_{C} = V_0e^{-t/\tau_{C}}\), \(i_{C} = -v_{C}/ R\)
  • \(t/\tau_{C} > 5\): > 99% completed charging / discharging

RL transient

  • Current is continuous, while voltage is not.
  • For uncharged inductor, initial current is zero (open circuit); then approaches terminal current upon charging. The steady-state is short circuit.
  • Discharging: positive current and negative voltage (Lenz's law).
  • Time scale \(\tau_{L} = L/R\)
  • Charging transient: \(v_{L} = Ee^{-t/\tau_{L}}\), \(i_{L} = (E - v_{L}) / R\)
  • Discharging transient: \(v_{L} = -I_0Re^{-t/\tau_{L}}\), \(i_{L} = I_0e^{-t/\tau_{L}}\)

RLC transients

  • Solving series RLC circuit by KVL: \(V_R + V_L + V_C = E\)
  • \(\frac{d^2I}{dt^2} + \frac{R}{L}\frac{dI}{dt} + \frac{I}{LC} = 0\), due to E is constant (DC)
  • Let \(I = e^{\lambda t}\), \(\lambda = \frac{-R}{2L} \plusmn \sqrt{(\frac{R}{2L})^2 - \frac{1}{LC}}\)
  • Resonant frequency: \(\omega_0^2 = \frac{1}{LC}\)
  • Solving parallel RLC circuit by KCL: the same resonant frequency: \(\omega_0^2 = \frac{1}{LC}\)


  • Overdamping: \((\frac{R}{2L})^2 - \frac{1}{LC} > 0\)
  • Critical damping: \((\frac{R}{2L})^2 - \frac{1}{LC} = 0\) (decaying faster than overdamping)
  • Underdamping: \((\frac{R}{2L})^2 - \frac{1}{LC} < 0\), oscillation (+)

Quality factor



  • At resonance: \(Z_{C}\) and \(Z_{L}\) cancel each other out
  • \(Q = f_{r} / BW\)
  • BW: Bandwidth
  • Series RLC: \(Q = \frac{1}{R}\sqrt{\frac{L}{C}}\)
  • Parallel RLC: \(Q = \frac{R}{1}\sqrt{\frac{C}{L}}\)

Steady state power analysis

  • Note and specify the difference between peak values (\(I_{M}\), \(V_{M}\)) and the effective (RMS) values.
  • $ p = \frac{VM IM}{2}(cos(\thetav - \thetai) + cos(2\omega t + \thetav + \thetai))$
  • Twice the frequency: \(2\omega t\) compared to current and voltage
  • Average power: $VM IM cos(\thetav - \thetai)/2 = V{rms} I cos(\thetav - \thetai) = P_{app} \cdot pf $
    • Apparent power: \(P_{app} = V_M I_M / 2 = V_{rms} I_{rms}\)
    • Power factor: \(pf = cos(\theta_v - \theta_i)\). The phase difference between voltage and current
    • Purely resistive: \(p = V_M I_M / 2 = V_{rms} I_{rms}\). pf = 1
    • Purely capacitive / inductive: \(p = pf = 0\). Does not absorb power on average.
    • For average power, one could calculate the resistive part only.

Maximum power transfer

When \(Z_{L} = Z_{TH}^*\) , Im(ΣZ)= 0,
\(P_{L,max} = 0.5 * \frac{\lvert V_{OC} \rvert\ ^2 }{4 R_{TH}}\) (Since \(P = 0.5 V_{M}I_{M}\))

Power factor and complex power

  • \(p = V_M I_M cos(\theta_v - \theta_i)/2 = P_{app} \cdot pf\). Unit:VA
  • Phase difference = 0 (purely resistive), pf = 1
  • Phase difference = -90 (purely capacitive) or 90 (purely inductive), pf = 0

Active power vs reactive power

\(S = P_{app} cos(\theta_v - \theta_i) + jP_{app} * sin(\theta_v - \theta_i)\)
* Former: active power (P); latter: reactive power (Q)
* \(\lvert S \rvert = \sqrt{P^2 + Q^2} = P_{app} = V_{rms} I_{rms}\)
* \(P = \lvert S \rvert \cdot pf\)
* For capacitive circuit: Q < 0; inductive circuit: Q > 0

Safety considerations

  • 100 mA to the heart: Ventricular tachycardia and could be fatal
  • Grounding: increase safety by shunt the current away from the user in case of fault
  • Ground fault interrupter(GFI):
  • No fault: In current = out current, do nothing
  • Fault: If current is not the same as out, it induces current in the sensing coil and breaks the circuit.
  • Accidental grounding: new path for currents, new hazard.

Magnetically coupled circuits

Mutual inductance

  • Open circuit \(v_2 = L_{21}\frac{di_1}{dt}\)
  • Two current sources: self inductance plus mutual inductance
  • \(v_1 = L_1\frac{di_1}{dt} + L_{12}\frac{di_2}{dt}\)
  • \(v_2 = L_{21}\frac{di_1}{dt} + L_{2}\frac{di_2}{dt}\)
  • Beware the dot (current direction of the input and output): turn them into standard circuit
  • The linear model states \(L_{21} = L_{12} = M\)
  • Mutual inductance in series inductors: \(L_{eq} = L_1 + L_2 \pm 2M\)
  • Mutual inductance in parallel inductors: \(L_{eq} = \frac{L_1L_2 - M^2}{L_1 + L_2 \mp 2M}\)

Energy analysis

  • \(w = 0.5L_1I_1^2 + 0.5L_2I_2^2 \pm MI_1I_2\)
  • \(M \le \sqrt{L_1L_2}\), the geometric mean of L1 and L2
  • \(k = \frac{M}{\sqrt{L_1L_2}}\), coupling coefficient (0 to 1)


  • Iron core, air core, composite core
  • Ideal transformers: no energy loss (Pin = Pout)
  • \(\frac{V_1}{V_2} = \frac{N_1}{N_2}\)
  • \(\frac{i_1}{i_2} = \frac{N_2}{N_1}\)
  • \(\frac{Z_1}{Z_2} = (\frac{N_1}{N_2})^2\)

  • Analysis of simple transformer circuits (PhD qualification exam)

  • Application: AC -> transformer -> rectifier -> filter -> regulator -> DC
  • Practical transformers
  • Leakage of magnetic flux
  • Winding resistance: copper loss
  • Core loss: eddy current, hysteresis
  • efficiency: \(\eta = \frac{P_{out}}{P_{in}}\)

Frequency response

  • Resistive circuit: freq-independent \(|Z_R|\) = const, θ = 0
  • Inductive \(|Z_L|\varpropto f\), θ = 90
  • Capacitive \(|Z_C|\varpropto 1/f\), θ = -90

Series RLC

\(Z_{eq} = R + j\omega L + \frac{1}{j\omega C}\)

\(|Z_{eq}| = \frac{\sqrt{(\omega RC)^2 + (1-\omega^2LC)^2}}{\omega C}\)

  • Minimal \(|Z_{eq}|\) when \(\omega = \omega_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}\) (resonant frequency) and \(Im(Z_{eq}) = 0\)

Bode plot


  • x-axis: freq (log(f) )
  • y-axis: magnitude (20*log(M), in dB) / phase (in degrees)
  • dB is for power amplification / attenuation
  • dBm = \(10log\frac{p}{1mW}\)

Multistage system

  • Amplitude: product of all systems
  • dB: sum of all dB gains

Network transfer function

\[ H(s) = \frac{X_{out}(s)}{Y_{in}(s)} \]

Thevenin equivalence theorem for finding the gain.


Dependent on reactive elements (usually RC circuits, inductors are more difficult to handle)

Cutoff frequency: -3dB (0.707x) voltage magnitude (half power)

Quality factor and effective bandwidth

Series RLC: \(Q = \frac{\omega_0 L}{R} = \frac{1}{R}\sqrt{\frac{L}{C}}\)

Bandwidth (BW) = \(\omega_0\) / Q = \(\omega_{hi} - \omega_{lo}\)

\(\omega_{hi} \omega_{lo} = \omega_0^2\)

Poles and Zeros

Let \(s = j\omega\) (Laplace transform)

For series RLC:
\(Z_{eq} = R + sL + \frac{1}{sC} = \frac{s^2LC + sRC + 1}{sC}\)

\(H(s) = K_0 \frac{(s-z_1)(s-z_2)...}{(s-p_1)(s-p_2)...}\)

  • \(K_0\) : DC term
  • zeros: H(s) = 0
  • poles: H(s) diverges


  • Low-pass <-> high pass by an RC circuit
  • Band-pass <-> band reject (notch filter) by an RLC circuit or a combination of a low-pass and a high-pass filter


OP-Amp on Wikipedia

Ideal OP-Amp

Circuit analysis in Ideal OP-Amp

  • \(V_{-} \approx V_{+}\)
  • \(i_{-+} \approx 0\)
  • Make sure \(V_{out}\) is in the range of supplied voltages.

The rest is Ohm's law and circuit analysis.

More OP-Amp circuits

Multiple input voltages

Principle of superposition. One voltage source at a time.

With energy-storing devices

  • Differentiator
  • Integrator
  • Antoniou Inductance Simulation Circuit

\(L = C_4 R_1 R_3 R_5 / R_2\)



  • Group IV: Si, Ge
  • Group III + V: GaN, GaAs(P)

Why semi-conductivity

  • Band gap energy difference \(E_{g}\) = \(E_{c}\) - \(E_{v}\)
  • Insulators: > 5 eV
  • Semiconductors: smaller gap, a small amount of electrons escape from valence band to the conduction band
  • Conductors (metal, graphite): overlap (no gap)
  • Direct (III+V) vs indirect (IV) band gaps
  • Direct: could emit photons (LED, photo detector)
  • Indirect: emit a phonon in the crystal
  • The tetrahedral covalent bond crystalline structure for extrinsic (doped) semiconductors


  • Electrons (e-) in the conduction band as well as the vacancies in the valence band (holes, h+)
  • For intrinsic semiconductors, motility factor \(\mu\): GaN (GaAs) >Ge > Si, parallel with conductivity
  • Enriched by doping (increase both \(\mu\) and conductivity): making extrinsic semiconductors
  • Doping group V elements (donor impurities): electrons are major carriers (N-type)
  • Doping group III elements (acceptor impurities): holes are major carriers (P-type)
  • N-type semiconductors have higher \(\mu\) than P-type since electrons have lower effective mass than holes. Thus, N-type is better for high-freq applications. But P-type has dual role, being both resistors and semiconductor switches.

P-N junctions and diodes

P-N junction

Depletion zone

  • Diffusion of major carriers generate an electric field across the boundary
  • A zone with little carriers, high resistance
  • Process a barrier voltage

Applying voltage

  • Forward bias: shrinking depletion zone, high conductivity
  • Reverse bias: widening depletion zone, very low conductivity (essentially open circuit until breakdown)

Shockley equation

\(I_{D} = I_{S} (exp(V/V_{T}) - 1)\),

where \(V_{T} = \frac{kT}{q} = \frac{RT}{F} = 26mV\) (Thermal voltage)

  • Forward bias: shrinking depletion zone
  • Reverse bias: widening depletion zone, very low conductivity (essentially open circuit until breakdown)

Three representations of diodes

Assuming there are internal resistance (\(R_D\)), threshold voltage (\(V_D\)).
* For \(V \le V_D\), open circuit.
* For \(V \geq V_D\), equivalent to a reverse voltage source of \(V_D\).

  1. Ideal diodes: \(R_D = 0\), \(V_D = 0\). Forward bias: short circuit. Reverse bias: open circuit.
  2. With barrier voltage (Si = 0.6~0.7 V; Ge = 0.2~0.3V): \(R_D = 0\), \(V_D \neq 0\).
  3. Practical diodes: \(R_D \neq 0\), \(V_D \neq 0\)

Diode circuits

Transform diodes into equivalent components.



Only half wave rectification was covered.

Limiters (cutters)


When the load resistance is infinite (open circuit): peak detector

When the load resistance is finite:
The more discharging time scale ( \(\tau = RC\) ), the less ripple voltage. ( \(V_r \approx \frac{V_p}{fCR}\) when \(V_r \ll V_p\) )

Voltage regulator using Zener diodes

Zener diode on Wikipedia

  • First unplug the Zener diode and solve the voltage across it.
  • Normally operates in reverse bias. ( \(V_{Z}\) = 4-6 V )
  • When applied voltage > \(V_{Z}\): Acts as a voltage source of \(V_{Z}\). Open circuit otherwise.
  • When in forward bias: similar to regular diodes ( \(V_{Z}\) = 0.7 V )
  • When breakdown \(V_{Z}\) is independent of loading resistance.


Bipolar junction transistor on Wikipedia

Current control devices.


NPN BJT (more common)

PNP BJT (less common nowadays)

  • B: Base
  • C: Collector
  • E: Emitter


  • \(I_C = \beta I_B\), \(\beta \gg 1\) (typically 80-180)
  • \(I_E = I_C + I_B = (1 + \beta) I_B\)
  • BArrier voltage: \(V_{BE} \approx 0.7\) Volt for Si BJT. 1.1 V for GaN BJT.
  • \(I_{Csat} \approx \frac{V_{CC}-0.2}{R_C + R_E}\)
  • \(\beta I_B = I_C \leq I_{Csat}\)

The rest is regular circuit analysis (KCL, KVL).

One could use the fact that \(I_B\) is very small (\(\mu A\)) compared to other currents (\(mA\)).


MOSFET on wikipedia

Voltage control devices.

  • Gate voltage \(V_{GS}\) is greater than threshold (\(V_t\)): low resistance, (ideally) short circuit.
  • Otherwise, high resistance, (ideally) open circuit.
